More reader comments/questions (5)
Q. My question is sort of opinionated: My parents seem to insist on reading the books that I read so quickly and adore so much. I'm a teenager and I think these books are completely hilarious. I know you are an adult and wrote this when you were an adult, but do you think the average parent of a sarcastic and cynical teenager will appreciate the hilarity and absurdity of the story? By the way, good luck with the Movie or TV show, and many are hoping you make another sequel. (tiana, poughkeepsie)
A. I think the solution to your problem is to bring home a string of really boring books to inflict on your parents. Maybe stuff with a Youth Uplift theme. Then, when they lose interest in monitoring your reading, you can switch to the worthier titles. Some enlightened parents appreciate Nick, but he seldom appeals to the more hidebound types.
Q. First I want to say that I found your books very entertaining and involving. I couldnt put down the first, and Im a slow reader-it took me like a month to finish. One thing that bothered me, however, was how young Sheeni was when she lost her virginity. I don’t particularly think any of the level of sexual involvement is realistic for their ages. Most teenagers, even teenage rebels like Nick don’t lose their virginity when theyre 14...If I were you I would have moved that age up a year or two. Still, I can accept Nick and Fuzzy and Lefty scoring at 14 but Sheeni, if I recall (I am currently between copies of the first book lol), was only 12 when she lost her virginity. That’s 7th grade...nasty. Your thoughts? (Jonathan F., Los Angeles)
A. One must keep in mind that Sheeni is nearly six months older than Nick. Working backward we can see she was more like 14 or nearly so. Young, but these books are not intended as an accurate portrayal of reality.
Q. Hey Mr. Payne, (Or Can I Call You C.D.?) Just wanted to let you know that you do indeed have a fanbase all the way up here in Fargo, North Dakota (which, against popular belief, is not a province of Canada). I discovered your book at my high school library (the only place here I've ever seen it) and immediately became a devoted fan ready to burn away massive amounts of cash on your published works. Thank you sir, for the humor.
P.S. You really should come out to Fargo for a book signing. I can promise at least seven people to show. (Jimmy, Fargo, ND)
A. Believe it or not, what I'd really like to do is a road trip through North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and U.P. of Michigan. I may be passing through Fargo with the Airstream one of these days. [Note: I passed through many of those areas on my 2014 road trip. Had lunch in Fargo.]
Q. I guess my only question would be "is it wrong to disregard the notion of asking a question entirely and simply offer praise?" I really enjoyed the Twisps adventures. although after reading the first I thought of the book as simply a cartoon of sorts in the way that there is no major theme. It was simply a comic adventure but after making my way through REvouting youth I now walk away even more satisfied cause I feel only after Revolting youth does the theme really sink in. It’s the same theme as "the graduate" which is persistence pays off in the end. And I loved reading the book and I am anxious to read the rest of your work and must thank you for the enjoyment and inspiration your books have left me with. (mike, tampa)
A. More likely the theme is "persistence will get you in BIG trouble."
Q. Is there really no way that I can get that darn pilot. Darn it all to heck! I have been able to find many rare and unreleased pilots on the net, but I just can't find the Youth in Revolt one! Aaaarrrrggggh! I have read all of your books (except for "Cut to The Twisp," which I am waiting for from AMAZON right now) keep them coming! You are a gifted and excellent author! What are you working on right now? If you find out where a bootleg is PLEASE let us know, secretly or publicly. (Robert, Oregon)
A. I know of at least one person who got a video of the pilot somehow. So they're out there. How about Ebay?
Q. I loved every page of Youth in Revolt. It kept me going throughout a bit of a hard time, you know how the hilarity ensued at the 2nd page of the book. My question is, what possessed you to have our main character end the book still in drag? He was warped in the first place, but wouldn't that be a little much? I don't know, I loved the book! (becca, birmingham, Al)
A. After 500 pages "Youth in Revolt" had to stop somewhere, so it ended where it ended. Personally, I think many novels could only be improved by having the protagonist spend the final third of the book in drag.
Q. Hey, it's Ben again. I've made a fan website for the Youth In Revolt "saga": http://nicktwisp.8m.com/ and it currently has a poll about things that fans wish to see in the fifth book, yet I have no visitors to the website. I was wondering if it might at all be possible for you to add a link to my website. and since I’m emailing you, tell me how it's going on the fifth book. Are you getting good ideas or... yeah. Can't wait to read it!
(Ben, New Jersey)
A. I think a poll of what readers would like to see in Book V is a good idea. It can be a first step toward my dream of participatory literature in which the readers do the actual writing. The "author" merely coordinates, collates, and collects the royalties.
Q. Was "Catcher In the Rye" ever in your mind when you wrote "Youth In Revolt"? I work in a bookstore and always tell high-schoolers that "Catcher" is my second favorite book. Was my first until I read "Youth". I'm one of those few (that I know of) people that found "Catcher In the Rye" funny. I guess that's what drew me to yours--especially the dialogue and especially the tripping part--the dialogue is beautiful....Thanks... (Jason, San Antonio)
A. I read "Catcher" in college and maybe I was on preppie overload at the time, but it didn't do much for me (no offense, Mr. Salinger). I'm not sure what was on my mind during the writing of "Youth in Revolt," but it wasn't Holden Caulfield. I'd have to say William Holden was a bigger influence, as at least he got a mention in the text.
Q. While I enjoyed "Youth in Revolt" it didn't change my life as others have claimed. Because of that (or in spite of it) my questions are of a bit more practical nature. First, what was your degree at Harvard in? Secondly, why did you wait so long to write your first novel? And, lastly, did you do significant research to make your intellectually inclined protagonist seem authentic or are you just still 14 at heart yourself? I mean no harm with any of this, but am just wondering about the nuts-and-bolts of an author who comes to the novel scene so late in life. (Joseph, Oklahoma)
A. I was a history major in college. I was about 39 when I started "Youth in Revolt," which doesn't seem all that old, but then maybe you're 12. I did no research to speak of, since I have a pretty good memory of what life was like when I was a revolting teen.
Q. Did you write YIR with SAT vocabulary in mind? (If not, the overlap of test vocab used is fantastically coincidental). Thank you for your wonderful work. (Laura, Narberth, PA)
A. No, because at the time I imagined that all potential readers of Nick's tales would have long since finished with such things as tests and schools. Guess I got that wrong.
Q. Your book was compared to "A Confederacy of Dunces"- Do you like that book? I couldn't finish that boring piece of garbage. (Aaron, San Diego)
A. I thought it was one of the great comic novels of the past 50 years. Tastes in literature vary, which is why Mary Higgins Clark is worth $100 million.
Q. So many questions already asked, so many statements given. One thing may be missing : Does revolting really make sense? (otcho, Esslingen, germany)
A. Well, it didn't work out so well for James Dean, but the verdict is still out for Nick.
Q. Well, it looks like your popularity has grown rapidly since the release of Youth in Revolt. I love your work and would love to converse with you on your inspirations, aspirations and anything else that makes you you. I guess my question is, why is Nick so pathetic? I cannot believe you would make him so hopelessly in love with that devil women Sheeni. (Cory, Vicksburg, MI)
A. Sorry, my popularity has not grown all that rapidly. I am always surprised when readers express a dislike for Sheeni. Let's face it, Nick's story is a tale of obsessive love, and one can't expect the obsessed to go along with every wacky notion of the obsessor. And recall that everything we know about Sheeni is related to us through Nick's less-than-objective point of view. She may not be that bad.
Q. In "Youth In Revolt" what was the point to the homo-fellatio scene between Nick and Lefty? Also, was there any significance to the tray of snacks that Nick's mother was carrying when she discovered the youths? (Ashley, Tallahassee, FL)
A. The point (if any) was to suggest that kids that age learn about sex any way they can, including via the occasional experimentation with a buddy. It happens. Cupcakes were selected because they may be more easily hurled than whole watermelons, for example, and make a satisfying "plop" when impacting the wallpaper or Nick's head.
Q. so many times in this questionnaire you have talked about A Confederacy of Dunces and how good it is. I like that book, but mainly Ignatius just pisses me off, and I hate when a character on TV or in a book or in a film annoys me and I can't hit them. maybe that is why I enjoyed YIR so much...no one that I wanted to die. not even trent. but now my question: do you think that Nick could kick ignatius' ass or not? I mean Iggy is big, but Nick is smart...no seriously... do you compare your own work with other great writers, and do you think that your book is better than A Confederacy of Dunces? just wondering. (Brian, Springfield, ill)
A. That would be a tough match-up to call. Nick is wily, but Ignatius carries at least double his weight. If Nick could hang in there until the big guy's valve closes, he might stand a chance. I generally do not compare my books to others, since these sorts of judgments are so subjective. Of course, "A Confederacy of Dunces" won the Pulitzer Prize, and I doubt if the Pulitzer judges have even heard of me.
Q. I'm watching a movie on cable called "100 Girls", and couldn't help but notice that it bears a number of "references" or rip-offs from "Youth in Revolt." Are you familiar with this movie? If so, do you know the writer/director Michael Davis? http://us.imdb.com/Title?0214388 (John, Los Angeles, CA)
A. I haven't seen the movie or heard of Mr. Davis. I'll check it out and fire up my lawyers.
Q. hey umm, I was just wondering a couple of things. - is there cut outs of the book revolting youth. -why did you pick the places you picked for the book. - is mtv going to make a movie or what I’ve been waiting for years. - what’s up with you books not on the shelf, imean I order them but still they are good books why not on the bestseller. -thanks for your time. ( nick, wa)
A. Nothing was cut from Revolting Youth. I picked the locations in the book because I was familiar with them and could impart that authenticity of locale that readers crave. The movie seems to be in permanent limbo land. My books are generally not stocked by bookstores because they have to reserve shelf space for those Authors of Distinction, such as Tom Clancy and Rush Limbaud.
Q. You rock. When I worked at Borders Books in Abq., NM I picked "Youth in Revolt" as my Staff Select. Just wanted to tell ya -- sales went from 4 to over 100 in three months. Not bad for Albuquerque. Now if only I could find your books at the Borders here in CM -- tell your agent Orange County is in NEED. Thanks. (Augusta, Costa Mesa, CA)
A. Thanks for helping to push my books onto unsuspecting New Mexicans. If only there were more booksellers like you, I would not be toiling away in such well-deserved obscurity. Borders Books is generally a hopeless case. Most of their stores prefer to order my books ONE AT A TIME, and only if a patron insists.
Q. I know you hate questions asking about whether you'll write any more Nick Twisp books, so I won't ask (even though I hope you will write more). Anyway, are you working on anything else right now? You know how Akron is, and your books are just the thing to pass the time here. I really hope that you have something planned. But what do I know, I've never tried to write a full length novel. Thanks for the great laughs!! (Mark, akron)
A. Seems to me there's a whole LOT of stuff to do in Akron besides sitting around and reading subversive literature. When's the last time you toured the Inventors Hall of Fame? Or how about a nice drive out toward Canal Fulton or Peninsula to see the fall colors? Or you could stroll downtown and see if O'Neils or Polskys are showing any signs of re-opening. Meanwhile, I'm working on some screenplay ideas these days.
Q. I have a few old books. Ruggles of Red Gap, [by] Harry Leon Wilson, is one of them. It was published in 1922. How do go about finding out the $ value of this and other books I own? I'm asking you because I read that he's one of your favorite authors. Just got a computer and I'm learning about research. My idea of a computer is the remote control for my T.V. (Melissa, Lake Worth, Fl.)
A. Harry Leon Wilson was immensely popular in his day, so his books are fairly common. Regrettably, he's now largely forgotten, so there's not much interest in his works. Not a combination for extravagant profits in the rare book biz. Offhand, I'd say your copy of "Ruggles" might be worth $10. You could check at www.abebooks.com to see what bookstores are asking for vintage H.L.W. titles. Your best bet might be to read it and enjoy the laughs.
Q. I am a big fan of your book "youth in revolt". I would love to collect his Nick twisp's whole series. The thing is that book stores on Guam have bad literary taste and get have only worst books on stock. I would order online but shipping fees can be so expensive. So my question is: Is there any other measures by which I can obtain the series? (Moneka, Talofofo, Guam)
A. Looks pretty bleak. Your best bet might be to plead with your local bookstore to stock the books. Or send the biggest person you know in to intimidate them into ordering them.
Q. Why there are so many dogs like the one Nick has? And what's up with the light-signs found by Nick under the prepared messages of Albert? (Tim, Freiburg, Germany)
A. Beats me. I just write 'em, I don't explain 'em.
Q. Two questions: After reading your Twisp books several times, then reading them once again, switching back and forth between the original books and 'Cut to the Twisp', I wound up with severe carpal tunnel syndrome. I was wondering if there are any plans for an all inclusive re-edited, and perhaps hardcover special edition? Also, Fox gave up the plans for 'Party Animals, as I can't find anything about it anywhere but the back cover of your book, it seems. Is this true and why? (Cory, Santa Rosa, CA)
A. Your all-in-one book idea seems logical to me too. Unfortunately, Doubleday appears incapable of grasping the concept. I believe the pigeon movie idea died because of severe script problems.
Q. hey do you think chocolate pudding is better than pie. Also, though I think your work is fantabulous, I would like to know where you first heard the word sesquipedalian, as it is now my favorite word and has been for about two years when I first saw it in your book. I love how easy it is to be ironic with a word like sesquipedalian. Peace and love and hot muffins. (tom, eocky mount)
A. I first encountered that essential word "sesquipedalian" in a letter to the editor in the San Francisco Chronicle. I believe the writer was lambasting one of the newspaper's columnists.
Q. My 16 year old son who rarely picks up a book, read both Nick Twisp books in 2 days and asked for more....help! Thank you. (jacqui, toronto)
A. Time to face facts: your son may just be a two-book kind of guy.
Q. I know this is a lame question, but what is Nick's biggest sexual fantasy? (Katie, Sarasota)
A. Gosh, I'm not sure that can be discussed in mixed company on the web as it involves elephants, enormous pulsating steam apparatus, and many of the more limber members of Radio City's Rockettes.
Q. Hi, I have been a fan for many years since I read Frisco Pigeon Mambo for the first time three years ago in 6th grade. Recently, I have been working on my own book called Chicken Pot Pie: Chickens Won't Die. It is the story of chickens who grow up in Penngrove, raised for their eggs. Then, on one fateful day, Farmer Dan goes crazy and begins to kill our poor friends and sell them to food processors around the country. They decide to escape into Santa Rosa and blend in with the Pigeons there. It is told through the journal of the main character. A strange mix of Youth in Revolt and Frisco Pigeon Mambo perhaps. Anyway, I want to thank you for inspiration and am looking for advice. (Matt, Cotati, California)
A. Well, it sounds like a fun story. You may be one of the few teen authors interested in chicken fiction. Hey, it happens! My only advice is to keep on plucking, I mean plugging away.
Q. If Nick could sleep with any celebrity who would he pick? (Sam, Sarasota, FL)
A. Since were talking theoretically here, he'd probably pick a young Julie Christie. The guy is seriously behind the times. You were expecting Britney Spears?
Q. Same Katie again... I just finished YIR today in acting class. My friends Owen and Sam have read it too. All three of us are obsess with it and talk almost constantly about the characters, what happened, who we hate etc etc... Now moving on with my point, sorry it's the ADHD in my blood, Owen and I have devised a scheme involving our school's restrooms. The school board recently put chalkboards into the bathrooms to reduce graffiti. We go into the restroom and erase whatever Nelly lyrics were on the board that day and write things such as... Sheeni Saunders is a Slut...or Carlotta plays with her boobs in study hall. We plan to keep writing more and more detailed things and get people who read the board everyday wrapped up in these people who don't even go to our school. Also we don't call each other by our names... we each picked a character from the book to be called. Being the odd woman out I had to settle for Sheeni. We talk about the characters in the book as if they are our friends and their latest scandals involve us. We're planning on making shirts with our character names on the back this weekend. So I guess since I just updated you on my life I guess what I'm about to say is.... do people like us scare you? And if so, sorry. OH yes...also do you have any ideas of what we could do to get people really interested in Nick and Sheeni in the restrooms of our school? What do you think Nick would do?
(Katie, Sarasota)
A. Good work on the restroom marketing. I wish I could interest my publisher in that ploy. Maybe you should play up Nick's inherent studliness in your comments to pique the curiosity of female students. Things like: "Nick Twisp rings my bell," though perhaps employing more current youth expressions. I expect to see a large spike in Florida book sales soon.
Q. Did you use any of your own life experiences for Youth In Revolt? If so, which ones? By the way, Youth in Revolt was THE funniest book I have ever read! I must have an "I'm single, let's mingle" T-shirt. Do you have any idea where I can get one? (Heather, Grover Beach, California)
A. Seems like I already answered question one. As for the t-shirt, you can order 'em right from the main page of this website [no longer in 2014]. I wear mine all the time and get lots of comments and significant glances, though being married does put a crimp in things.
Q. Does Vijay keep a journal? Where in Ohio are you from? Does Connie ever get Paul? Have you read Rule of the Bone by Russel Banks? (if so like it) Do your fans scare you? What's your favorite comedic movie? (sam, sarasota, FL)
A. Answering your questions in order: Probably. Akron. Only time will tell. I liked the book, though I was a bit disappointed by the ending. So far, fans don't scare me, but book editors can be pretty chilling. "Dr. Strangelove."
Q. I was introduced to Youth in Revolt as an undergrad, and am now passing it along to my own students. Have you heard of any other instructors using your novel, Youth in Revolt, in class? I have adopted the text for the "novel component" of my English 100 course at the community college level. I would love to communicate with other teachers and learn about their approach. Thanks for all of the joy you've brought me. The book is wonderful, and I hope that it helps to instill a love, or at least a begrudging admiration, for reading in my students. (J.K., California)
A. You're the first college teacher I've heard of to sneak Nick into a lit class. Let's hope this is starting a trend!
Q. Hey, C.D. Did you see the movie Hedwig and the Angry Inch? SOOO good, anyway I ask because dressing up like a woman and starting a band is not something I would put past Nick...or me for that matter. So If Nick had stayed in school and was going to be a senior this year and wanted to go to a small - medium liberal arts college with a good writing program..Which school would you recommend he attend? (Owen, Sarasota, FL)
A. Sorry, I missed that movie, but I can recommend "Eight Women" that's out now. Alas, I'm not up on my small liberal arts colleges with good writing programs, being wildly beyond college age at his point. Any recommendations from readers?
Q. How does someone with such an intemporal perspective write so well for lustful youngsters and itinerant elders alike? Any tips on first-person narration for the aspiring alcoholic/writer? (Jeff, Fallbrook)
A. First person narrations are a piece of cake compared to writing in the third person, which requires one to do a credible imitation of God. (I find that fairly fatal to humor.) If you want a good example of first person narration, check out the novels of Raymond Chandler.
Q. First off just wanted to say that your books are radiant. I've loved all the ones I've read and passed them out to all my friends who have enjoyed them as well. First question or request is that you come to shepherdstown and let this rarely open minded community shower you with affection. Ok that read a little scary, sorry about that. Second question, would you recommend self publishing for young unheard of writers, or trying with the big publishers first. Thanks, you the man C.D. (hyme, Shepherdstown, WV)
A. Well, I don't get to West Virginia very often, though I did live there a few years as a tot (Williamstown). Self-publishing is a bit like self-abuse. It can be marginally rewarding, but is not likely to lead to much public recognition. Do try with the major publishers first, as anyone tainted by s.p. is likely to be looked down upon forever by the literary establishment.
Q. Im just wondering if you've ever come into contact with the film maker Kevin Smith's company View Askew. I think a movie of Youth In Revolt would be right up their alley. (I Love Sheeni Saunders, Up north of Uriah)
A. Being nearly 99% out of it (since high school!), I have not heard of Mr. Smith. Should he be cruising the web for references to his company, I hope he contacts me soon.
Q. Hi! I'm a very big fun of you and your book Youth in revolt. I was trying to apply this fascinating story (and Nick's behavior itself) into a real life. He was everytime able to deal with everything and always reached, what he wanted. Can you tell by some way, how to do that? You are his creator, you may also have done something like that. And my second question - you said, that you plan some travel to Europe to meat your funs, also to Czech republic. Can you by some way inform me and other funs? Web, email... Thanks! (Your fun, Václav Bøíza, Decin, Czech republic)
A. If only I were as popular elsewhere as I am in the Czech Republic! Yes, I plan to visit someday and will announce the trip well in advance on the website. The way to succeed like Nick is to be extremely impulsive while remaining indifferent to societal conventions. But don't blame me if this lands you in jail.
Q. how are you? if you had kids would you try to embarrass them at every opportunity possible? what's the meaning of life? where do babies come from? (Anna, Fresno)
A. OK. Probably. Search me. Baby.com?
Q. Maybe this has something to do with a previous romance of my own, but I was just wondering If you thought Sheeni actually ever liked Nick in YiR. It has always just seemed that she enjoyed stringing him along and never really cared what happened to him. Everytime I revisit the book I just wish I could walk into it and tell Nick he's being played for the obsessed fool he is. Just thought you could give me some insight into that and help ease my head for once. Thank you for your time and your talent. (Rob, WV)
A. One could make the case that Sheeni is at least fond of Nick. Her ambivalence, though, seems to run very deep. Paradoxically, this may make her even more attractive to Nick. Anyone who's been in a similar situation can sympathize with Nick's predicament.
Q. Why did you decide to make the characters Apurva and Vijay Indian?...Besides the fact that their names are Indian. (Ronnie, Germantown, PA)
A. To add a non-U.S. dimension to the story. There are many Asian Indians living in the U.S. now. I've dated a few and once was employed by an Indian newspaper in the East Bay.
Q. Mr. C.D. Payne, what is does C stand for, I wish to know the first name of my favorite writer? I myself am rather young and pregnant, just as sheeni, and as I was reading RY, I decided to put my future in sheeni's hands, but alas the book finished and i know not what to do. Baby or abortion? though i am not exctly 14 (add 6) am i too young? if sheeni has a kid will she still be able to rendezvous in Paris, to develop her intellectual mind, will she have a life? do please write soon, for time is dear (passion fruit, los angeles)
A. I can answer the easy question: The "C" doesn't stand for anything (rather like the "S" in Harry S Truman). Forgive me if I dodge the second question; only you can decide that.
Q. Given the many obstacles you had to overcome to get your book published, do you think it made you a better writer or a better businessman? Also how many times were you published for fiction before getting your novel published? (Christopher, houston)
A. Probably not a better writer, maybe a marginally better businessman. I had a humor piece published in Esquire and several cartoons in various publications before publishing Youth in Revolt. Not much to show for all those years of effort.
Q. I've just recently read your book, "Youth in Revolt". I just wanted to thank you for writing something so relative to my life. I am 15 years of age and have quite a sarcastic sense of humor. Not that I'm bragging, but I hear the term smartass so much I'm guessing it refers to that. I'm glad to find out that I'm not the only one who finds life sometimes not worth living but try to make the best of it through humor anyway, besides the fact that Nick is not real. I know you are probably irritated by this suggestion by now, but that’s all it is, a suggestion. I think you would appreciate the sales of another book if you so decided to write a third. I could hardly put this book down because, oddly enough, I enjoyed the company of Nick while reading. Well, thank you for reading this, if you did, and I hope to see a reply. (Kristen, Ocala, fl)
A. Is it nurture or nature that produces an inclination to sarcasm? Nick votes for nature, which may be true in extreme cases such as his. Thanks to all the readers who've suggested another Nick tale would be welcome.
Q. I have not seen your other work (other than Youth in Revolt) on any of the major bookseller chains' web sites, nor in the stores themselves. The fact that I live in Canada may have something to do with this but I doubt it...until two minutes ago I did not realize you had written anything else..what's the score? Is it just a result of small distribution?..thank you. (Dane, Gander, NF)
A. Amazon.com and Bn.com stock most of my titles. You're right, most chain bookstores do not stock small press titles. Therefore, some ingenuity is required to find them.
Q. nick seems er a bit advanced for his age. I’ve come up with some possible reasons for this-I’ll give them like they're questions. is nick really that smart, witty, and worldly? are you suggesting something by his hyperbolic well-readness? or were you unable to create a voice for him that could adequately express your ideas while still sounding somewhat like a fourteen year old dork? oh, one more! were you just that smart, and (okay two) is that how you get into harvard? (woooster, Worcester, Mass.).
A. Nick is what he is as you find him on the page. I met lots of smart people at Harvard and the occasional dim hockey player.
Q. I was turned on to YIR while at college, but would have had epileptic seizures of reverie for it if I would have found it while in my own days of revolting youth in high school. I did have a movie which I watched about 20 billion times in high school, called "Over The Edge" which is sort of a non-comedy, drama oriented film with a very nick twisp feel (the plot follows a 15 year old boy running afoul of the law, falling in love with a girl, going on the lam, and eventually inciting a youth riot).I highly recommend it to YIR fans. I guess I'm supposed to ask a question. What could a YIR fan with sound and film skills do to be involved in the next incarnation of a YIR tv or film, since you have written a screen play and MTV's rights will expire. I figure someone will be taking a shot at it sooner or later, and I want to be in on it in some form. Will we find out on this website if someone picks up the option? (brooklyn twang, the PJs)
A. If anything happens with Nick and the movies, the website will post the information. So far, Nick's experience in Hollywood has been very much like Charlie Brown's when Lucy holds the football: much anticipation but consistently disappointing results. In the meantime, I suggest you get rich and famous, then have your agent call my agent.
Q. I tried to scan and search the questions section to see if this was already asked and couldn't turn it up. So I apologize in advance if this is a redundant question. Have you ever read The Rachel Papers by Martin Amis? I'm only 1/5 of the way through it, but YIR bears such similarity that I had to ask the question. Certainly, there are some glaring differences. But the main characters, plot line, and novel presentation are (almost) exactly the same. Actually, if you haven't read it yet, I don't know if I would just to be able to plead ignorance. I don't know if the book will progress in the same manner, but the beginning is Nick Twisp in Oxford in 1972. This is not to say that I don't adore YIR. I do. Thanks. (Tyler, Brooklyn)
A. I never read The Rachel Papers, but thanks for the recommendation. I've tried reading Amis before, but always preferred his dad.
Q. Is it at all possible that the original version of Youth in Revolt will ever be re-released? For those who don't know, I am referring to the unedited edition containing all the material from "Cut to the Twisp." (Mike)
A. To publish the complete book would be up to Doubleday. I suggest readers start bugging them.
Q. why is everyone such a fanatic about the twisp movie or tv show? my first impulse was, 'yeh!' but the more I think about it, the more I am positively against it. the magic of books is that it gives our imagination complete freedom, so that everyone can have their own visual for nick, all the other characters, and colorful scenes. with a movie, all would be bland and mass produced, there would only be one sheeni, one dwaine one and the same everything. almost every book has been ruined by a film, and when there is a motion picture, people don’t bother with the books any more. the only positive aspect I can think of, is that it may make you some money, but I think you would make about the same amount if you write another book and ask the fans to each buy their own copy, thus you make dinero and not become a sell out. thanks, and by the way you are the best writer of all time, you and Shakespeare. (lydia, los angeles)
A. Yes, I'm just as pessimistic as you that Hollywood could do a decent film version of Nick. Besides the money, authors sell books to the movies in hopes that the publicity will help their books become better known. As an obscure author, I can use every plug I can get, hence the necessity for "selling out."
Q. Have you already been to Czechia? I only read that you had planned on going here... And what about Nick? It could be great to set some scenes of your next sequel of Nick & Sheene´s saga into the Czech Republic... I am pretty sure you will find many fans to provide you with support and with all info on Czech environment and reality. Thanks for your books. (Daniel, Prague)
A. No, I never made it to the Czech Republic, but I hope to someday. Nick visit Prague? Hmm, that's a thought. [Later addendum: went there in 2012 and had a great time.]
Q. I was wondering if you ever noticed (or maybe planned) that your name sounds like "see the pain". maybe I just read into things too much. Also, I noticed that someone earlier asked about the "C" in your name. Isn't your name Charles Douglas Payne? At least that is what it says in the front cover if you read about the library of congress. Is that for real, or is it just made up to please the LoC and it's stupid government rules? Thanks for your time! (Brian, Octtown, MA)
A. Yes, people have pointed out the peculiar (and unplanned) implications of my name. Whether, in fact, my first name is Charles is debatable. I'm siding with the negative. You neglected to point out that Charles Douglas Payne is eerily similar to Charles Foster Kane, of "Citizen Kane" fame. What does it all mean? Not much.
Q. Today while at a rehearsal for a musical revue I got into a discussion with a friend of mine about whether or not Nick is truly in love with Sheeni. I don't believe Nick is truly in love with Sheeni and here's why: I have been in love with someone for over 3 years now. I would do anything for this person except do anything that might make her upset. Nick deliberately takes actions that he knows might piss the hell out of Sheeni because it will allow them to spend more time together. Clearly though Sheeni is a manipulative bitch who doesn't want to spend time with Nick.... These are just my thoughts, don’t try to make sense of them if you don't want to. (I Love Sheeni Saunders, Up North Of Uriah)
A. Call me naive, but I think people generally say what they believe. When Nick says he loves Sheeni, I have to think he's sincere.
Q. The biggest and the best, best, best. Thank you for this books (in us only 4). This is the best literature which I've read (for four times)....thank you MISTER!!! I believe that next Nick's stories will be published in a little time. Thank you C.D one more time. PS: Prestons, Taggarty, Milie and Lance must DIE. (Bartolomìj, Prag - Czech republic)
A. Guess I'll have to intrude a serial killer in the next installment.
Q. Where do you get your ideas from and how old were you when you started writing? (Cara, Tamarindo, Costa Rica)
A. Ideas generally just appear in my brain like flyspecks on the chandelier. I recall writing a story involving gouged out eyeballs back in grammar school that won some yucks from my fellow third-graders.
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